Pride Romance 365
The Inclusive Romance Project celebrates Pride romance across the entire spectrum. Love is love and what better way to celebrate than with great romance books from our very own IRP membership! Keep checking back as new releases from new IRP members arrive. Here, we celebrate Pride 365 days a year!
Her Wolf in the Wild
IRP member Rien Gray (They/Them), shares what they loved about creating their novel, Her Wolf in the Wild:
I love getting to explore the history of queer biker clubs in this story, as well as writing a butch lesbian protagonist, who aren't particularly common in traditionally published romance. Also there aren't enough women as werewolves in anything, really.
What is your recommendation of another LGBTQ romance book?
Fear, Love, & Other Love Languages by Aveda Vice is a high-heat LGBTQ+ erotic horror novella. I really loved the descriptions and unique concept - a very quick, hot read.
The Prince and the Thief
IRP member P.S. Scott (She/Her), shares what she loved about creating her novel, The Prince and the Thief:
What I loved about writing the book: The Prince and the Thief is my first m/m romance ever so it holds a special place in my heart. It is also my first historical fantasy and being a longtime reader of historical romances, I enjoyed writing a book set in the past. My favorite part was the book's theme, though. The Prince and the Thief talks about overcoming trauma and coming into your power through owning your identity. That is something I relate to so I loved writing the emotional bits.
What is your recommendation of another LGBTQ romance book?
Definitely Glitterland by Alexis Hall. I recommend it to everyone. It has great British humor, characters dealing with mental illness, polar opposites, and wonderful writing. Glitterland also happens to be the first m/m romance I ever read and it got me hooked.
Love Brewing
IRP member Sam Couste shares what she loved about creating her novel, Love Brewing:
The first idea I had for this story was the ending scene, which is common for me. I frequently have to work backwards when I build my stories, asking "how do the characters get here?" rather than "where are the characters going?" I used to pressure myself to start at the beginning. This time, I leaned into the rewind and was rewarded with a joyful creative experience.
What is your recommendation of another LGBTQ romance book?
Holy Bones by I. N. Arsén is a beautiful story, grounded with a touch of magic. The writing is lyrical and evocative, with complex characters and no easy answers.
Glorious Day
IRP member Skye Kilaen (She/Her) shares what she loved about creating her novel, Glorious Day:
The most important thing I learned while writing and editing this story is how valuable sensitivity readers are. I knew intellectually that sensitivity reading was a great idea, but watching it play out with my own work really brought that home. I am extraordinarily lucky to have worked with the folks I did on this project.
What is your recommendation of another LGBTQ romance book?
Another LGBTQ romance I would recommend is Behind These Doors by Jude Lucens, a lovely m/m romance set in 1906 London. Class difference, polyamory, feminism & political struggles, and a wonderful love story. Lucens is a gifted writer and a queer spoonie woman of color, and I'd love to see her work get more exposure.
Love & Pride
This particular novella was written at the beginning of the shelter-in-place. It’s one of the first second-chance romances I’ve written, where the main characters were best friends, then enemies, and now must work together. Editing required me to balance one character’s anger with likability.
What is your recommendation of another LGBTQ romance book?
I HIGHLY recommend When Frankie Meets Johnny... by Xio Axelrod.
Out on the Ice
Writing Out on the Ice was a real-life personal journey. I came to terms with the realization in my early 40's that I'm bisexual (surprise!). It finally made me realize that I didn't just appreciate female athletes because of their athletic talents. Writing a story with a happy ending for two wonderful women was so important. There's a lack of female/female romances out there, and everyone deserves to see themselves reflected in the pages of a novel.
What is your recommendation of another LGBTQ romance book?
I really enjoyed Gold by E.J. Noyes. Her author voice is so down-to-earth and dry and funny. It's mainly the story of a pro skier who hasn't been able to bounce back from a serious injury, physically or mentally. The romance between her and a single mom develops so beautifully. They really earn that happily ever after, and I was genuinely rooting for them. Plus, y'know, athletic women and all....
SPELLBOUND is a paranormal romance with mystery elements set in 1925 New York, and one thing I really had to learn while writing it was balance. It was a journey of figuring out how to balance magical world-building with historical details while keeping the plot moving and, of course, still focusing on the romance between the MCs.
What is your recommendation of another LGBTQ romance book?
Jordan Hawk’s Hexworld and Widdershins series!