If you write Romance (all sub-genres are welcome!), join our critique group!
How it Works
The Inclusive Critique Group meets every 2nd Thursday via Zoom (virtual meeting) at 7pm - 8p CDT
To provide experience and feedback for everyone, all members should expect to provide a critique as well as receive one. We'll all be put into the rotation. At each meeting, we will critique up to (3) member's WIP (work in progress). Each session is allotted 20 mins for discussion and sharing feedback.
When it's your turn to be critiqued:
Fill out the submission form and take time to inform us on the TYPE of feedback you're specifically looking for (plot development, cliches, sentence structure, etc.) on your submission. Keep in mind that some members may not have your particular feedback as their strength, but the key is that everyone is reading and helping each other.
In the form, you will need to upload your work (up to 1500 words max--formatted) Please do your best in proofreading beforehand as numerous misspellings and typos can distract your readers from focusing on your specific critique needs.
You don't have to worry about remembering all the details and feedback, as you'll receive feedback notes from the members on your submission document.
Be open to the feedback and information provided and try not to get defensive behind your work. We'll all here to improve, and none of us know everything about writing. It's a craft that we love.
When it's your turn to critique a member:
You will receive up to three submissions. Please read and leave comments & notes for each member based on the type of feedback they stated they'd like to receive on their submission.
Be honest, helpful and kind. Remember, honesty without tact is cruelty and we're writers--we're only cruel to our characters.
Attend the meeting and be available to add more context to your critique and share some of our feedback. If you're unable to attend, please make every effort to at least send in your feedback for the authors. Your information is still helpful.
Tips for Giving & Receiving Feedback
When you read the writing of other members, be sure to take notes, write down questions, suggestions, and compliments.
Be specific when you critique, praising a vivid description in particular or recommending more character development with detailed advice.
Focus, however, not on telling others what to do but on asking questions to help them decide what to do. If you don’t understand something, or you feel that details are lacking, ask for an explanation or background information. Then, gently advise the author to incorporate their response into the narrative.
As far as receiving critiques, your task also involves setting your ego aside and acting on others’ critiques. What’s the use of investing so much time and energy in this process if you don’t take feedback to heart?
Things You'll Need:
Computer to login to the meeting. Your phone is fine, but you'll need the Zoom app to attend the meeting.
Your work in progress
Install Slack prior to the meeting. It's free and just takes a few minutes. It will allow all of us to chat and share information prior to our meetings. Click here to learn more about Slack.
Ready to get some helpful feedback on your Romance manuscript?
Please join our IRP community to take part in our WIP Critique Group!
About the Inclusive Romance Project
We believe in the value of a unique voice as it reflects those of our readers. In this diverse ocean of talent, we seek to excel in the field of publishing, uplift fellow authors who struggle for visibility, and outreach to aspiring authors of marginalized identities in hopes to bring more amazing work to readers worldwide. Love is Love and we believe that everyone deserves an Happily Ever After. #representationmatters #ownvoices #WeNeedDiverseRomance